Saturday, February 28, 2015

My Blog's face has a Facebook page.

Hey HeadCases! I want to announce my FaceBook page.
I have been working on it, it's still harsh but I want to share it because I want it to grow and that's only possible with YOU CRAZIES! Now I am looking to have an actual post also, but our car amounted to much more crap then my brain can take, so bear with me.
Now go hit that link and like it!
And if you aren't following this blog then take your pills and hit the follow button.
Love ya!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Yes I pray, But sometimes I feel I'm getting the busy signal.

So I'm going to take a break from preaching about writing problems, and just write.

Not good at this.
Still not good.

     As I sit in my fancy white chair devoured by cat scratches, I reflect on how twisted life is. And how I'm not using this blog as an outlet to vent. Now it's not so easy when you have a life like mine and you raised not to complain. My life although has those beautiful irreplaceable moments, is something very personal and not pretty at all, but I want to start talking about it, in case you're life sucks too then we can laugh/cry about it together.

Do you? Well come on in!
*Wraps arms around you*


        So this week our car decided that it was going to die, we don't know what happened all we know is that it's going to cost possibly eleven-hundred dollars.

Cars are evil.

     All we know is that it could be the starter or this other part a fly- something. If it's the starter it's over five-hundred dollars, if it's both pieces it's going to cost the eleven-hundred. Now in these situations, I'm the positive one, and I still am but it's just another fly that landed on our mound of crap.

Yes I pray.

But sometimes I feel I'm getting the busy signal.

    I'm also that person who believes everything happens for a reason, and that God is teaching me a lesson, but boy he doesn't wear kit gloves.

     Money is always tight, we're always pinching pennies, our pennies pinch pennies. I think I've had chicken beast and potatoes every night this week, am I grateful I have food, absolutely. I can't help but think of the families out there not eating I've been there I know how it feels. I used to live in Pa and I had seen maybe one homeless person, I moved down here and have encountered so many people who have fallen onto hard times. I've started asking their names, so I can include them in my prayers.
      I never pray "Oh God please don't let me become like them!" I feel like that's not only ignorant but it's insulting to that person. I do pray that when God brings me up that he includes them too. I've been homeless, and there comes a time when you're so darn focused on making it that you can't not stay positive, He got you there and he will make sure he gets you out.

I'm not very preachy person, and find that my relationship with God is MINE. But I also feel there is someone who may read this and it may be that push to just not stop, don't stop fighting, I got your back, I'll help you when you fall.

I just gave you a VIP insight into my life. That was hard, but I have a lot to say. and a lot of gifs to share. I love you. I hope you're doing okay and if not I'm here. It will get better.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Some people need to be stabbed with a unicorn horn...

You: So...
I know, but I couldn't sleep knowing I wasn't going to put a post up, I just stared at the plain ceiling thinking about what to say but sometimes I don't have something to say, ya know?
You: Is that it? Oh great philosopher?
I was on the dreaded Facebook today, and I was scrolling through my repeated news feed because I check my Facebook page way to much, it's not even like I have friends who actively message me so I don't have to check it as much as I  do. I am a member in a Fallout 3 group. And this girl with her bare hands had made a Pip-boy, with cardboard and duct tape. If you don't know what I'm talking about here is a Pip-boy.
Honestly with what she was working with it looked good for cardboard and duct tape.
Here is where I had the problem, some poo-bag had the balls to tell her "No offense but it looks shitty ..." I'm that kind of person who is quite on social media, with my anxiety I stay away from confrontation. I also don't comment on things on public pages. I almost made an exception because,*Que rant. Eh-hem*
I can not stand people who do that. No it's not a magician's special blanket it doesn't make the insult disappear by trying to seem passive. Did you put time into that project? No? So shut it! At least trolls no matter how wrong they are have the guts to not hide behind a statement like "no offense."  I'm of course not standing up for trolls I think they need to stick their opinions where the sun don't shine, or find Jesus either one will do. I can';t even call you a troll because you act like you're trying to help. It's like the time a friend at the time called me fat then put "JK, JK." As if I'm going to laugh my butt of at her calling me fat out of the blue. And you wonder why people have self esteem issues.
If you don't like something, don't post it. Just don't. And something I've learned along the way is that if that person asks for your opinion, try to give them a constructive criticism...
I almost ripped him a new one and honestly I'm trying to get my courage to stay something. The girl deserves that. The guy should have just shut his pie hole in the first place. 
And this concludes Jaxx's 3:00 am rant about how people suck. I will talk to you guys later!