Monday, March 9, 2015

Let the haters hate.

Now I was going to blog about my new hair, I then started to research about how to make my blog better, how to improve it, not just for me but for you guys. I stumbled upon a post about getting more Blog traffic, and as I read it something bugged me, a lot.
She said that viewers can sniff out a faker, one just looking for money.
I don't know why this bugged me, maybe my self conscious tendencies kicked in and I started to second guess myself. "Am I poo?" And then I thought "Nah, I'm just learning and living life and writing about it which is hard." I started to think about it, I looked at her beautiful blog and spunky personalty. I know that anything I want to have, anything I want to accomplish is going to be hard because I'm as sub zero. I'm like that kid in dodge ball that got all the balls thrown at her whole body.
I want you guys to know that I am serious about this and am not out for the money, I mean some money would help but that not the point I'm here to create a community of people. I also want to be there for people going trough a hard time, I see so many people reaching out and not having that person to talk to, I want to be that person. I'm not good a writing mushy heart felt stuff, it wigs me out. But to end this blog I give you the gif that made me laugh the hardest today.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

"I____ joint this band."

I was planning on blogging then I went onto YouTube...
30 minutes later and I am ready.
I just got distracted again. okay I'm ready.
This week has been a whirlwind, the car made it's way back to us and is still having problems starting, the shop wanted another two-hundred dollars to find out what's wrong with her. And that money we don't have, we're still trying to get our ducks in a row for this month.
But I'm not freaking out, I want to, I would LOVE to kick and scream but I have stuff that has to get done and I if have a hissy fit then that stuff is going to be put on hold.
Story Of My Life, Bro. 

Oh my sister and I started a band we're terrible. Please come.
*Scott Pilgrim reference.
No but we did start one, it was one of those nights we were up to late, she told me earlier I could sing well, my ego was inflated and I was like how else am I going to meet my future drummer husband? I've always wanted to be in a band and so did she so we were like where do we sign up? Turns out we just ended up signing a piece of paper that says "I____ joint this band."
The funny thing is that we both suffer extreme social anxiety and the future of us playing live will need tons of Valium. She's learning piano and I'm on vocals, I would like to learn guitar but that costs money, I will get my hands on one it just takes time. But I love it, it feels good to be working with her, and when we're in practice together we can screw up we laugh at each other and that's important. She is definitely the Dave Grohl to my Kurt Cobain, she puts up with my crazy ideas and moodiness.
Okay I think this was a good blog?