Thursday, May 21, 2015

Unicorn girl talks to herself

Hey my Headcases!

      So since getting a new laptop I thought I'd blog more but even I shock myself at how I let things fall to the wayside. I've been also working on other things like my book. Also a lot of the time I just have sad depressing things to say, I mean I could say them but even you guys may need a Valium. We are in the transition of trying to get out the house we are living in, but with that we are unsure if we wanna move to South Carolina or if we want to stay in Georgia we also don't have the money to move or stay here so that's one of my main stresses. We also have the air out in the house which in the heat of Georgia is like baking inside your own house. Also people coming in my house gives me extreme anxiety. I'm pretty sure everything gives me anxiety, even bug bites stress me out.
The book and blog and everything else have been put on stand by due to how life being a vortex of crazy.
*Update, I had to stop writing because the A/C guy came. It's all good I locked myself in my room with the pup and waited, turned out it was just a burnt out wire.

      My sister and I started a band, every time I say that out loud I think of the scene from Scott Pilgrim Vs The world.
Ramona: You have a band?
Scott: Yes, we're terrible please come?
And being a super fan I didn't even have to look that up. Points for me. I also just looked back on an old post and realized that I used the same quote and also mentioned I was in a band, way to be original Jaxx, your unicorn brain is getting mushy...  I managed to pull enough money together to by my first guitar, I guess that's how it starts, broke with a guitar. I was actually making a different post for that. :)

     The book is still on a roll I just stuck in the "I didn't outline now it's biting me in the butt" part of writing. Currently I'm writing about my antagonist that makes me see him a different light, it left me confused like my story wasn't confusing enough. But that's the cool thing about writing anti-heroes and villains together, they are constantly bouncing off each other and have me asking who is the real bad guy here?
Okay, I think I've given you guys a lot of random to handle.

You: So you just going to leave again when things get tough?
Me: No, I uh- don't plan on it.
You: Sure, we'll see.
Me: Okay, I'll just end this here.

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