Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Imma open book baby!

  Gah so I'm doing this now because Jordy has something at 4:00 and then we have writing group at 7:00 and that runs until 11:00 so I'll be gone today. So here are the next five questions!

6. Who are your characters friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?

In the beginning I told you about my family. I live with my mom, sister and brother. I'm very close with my mom and Jordy. We got really close after dad left and my older sister and brother left for college. Jordy is my best friend. And my mom I can tell anything and I know I will not be judged.
    I guess I wish I was closer with Jon, that was my gut answer. He's at that point in his life that he's going through a lot and doesn't talk to me much. But when we do and if it's a good talk it's a good time.  

7. Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
I was born in Pennsylvania. I live on Whitemarh Island in Georgia. It's ten minutes from Tybee beach and twenty minutes for downtown Savannah.
 I don't feel like I call any place "home". But I do want to move from Savannah and maybe to Beaufort, Sc.

8. Where does your character go when hes angry?
 My room normally when the family has a fight. When it's with someone else I tend to surround myself with mom and Jordan. I tend to get self destructive and they break me out of it.

9. What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Hmmm. I actually want to start a YouTube channel. I have extreme social anxiety and am afraid I wont be able to over come that. I told this to mom and Jordy. I don't know if I'll not tell anyone. 

10. Does she have a secret?
If you know me. You 'll know that I don't keep many secrets. I'll tell you last time I had my period. Yeah I'm an open book.  

Monday, January 19, 2015

That time the internet gnome asked me questions. Part 1

I woke up today and was like "yay I get to talk about myself!" *sarcasm.*
But you know what I'm doing it. 
Also I spent the majority of last night working on all of my social media links so go check em out.
Oh! I also made a facebook page!

My life Motto! 
So here is the intro to the series of questions I will be doing, here are the first five! Ugh, what did I get myself into?

1.You might start with questions that address the basics about a character:
       In the wee hours of December 29, 1995 I was born in a small town in Pennsylvania I grew up on a busy street of Main st. in Northampton. We lived in a small duplex house, it was small because my family had six people. My mom, Dad, sister Madison, Brother Jon, me and my little sister Jordan (she's only a year younger than me). Now when I was elven my dad left and my mom moved us to Bethlehem another town in Pa. I hated Pa since I was little, like I remember going to my dad when I was pretty young and telling him I didn't want to live there I wanted to be by the beach.He never followed through with that. *shock*  Now the situations in Pa were bad and we had made this rash decision to move to Ga while my older sister (Madison) was finishing her masters. I can talk about these situations later I'm not trying to make a memoir. I currently live in Savannah Ga, home of peaches and hipsters. But I do live by the beach. Thanks mom. <3 br="">

2.  What is your characters name? Does the character have a nickname?
      Jacqueline Marie (not giving out my last name weirdos)  I was named after my Aunt Jacqueline. And My Grandmother's middle name is Marie. My nickname is Jackie. But my brother and mom call me Jaxx. Jordan calls me Jackie Bear.

3. What is your characters hair color? Eye color?
     My eyes are dark chestnut brown. My hair is a deep dark brown with red in my bangs and the framing of my face. Lemme get a picture.

      There. Now look at that sexy beast. It gives you an idea so I'm cool with that.
 I also can't smile, if I do it just looks weird. So soak in the pout.
Fun fact. I wasn't allowed to dye my hair until I was 18 and when I did I dyed it myself. 

4. What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
      How do I describe myself without sounding conceited? Okay, I'll just do it. The picture also kind of gives you an idea of my face. Round, heart shaped face, button nose. I have alien shaped eyes, some call them hooded eyes... 

5.Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he/she get them?
      I am very freckle-y. I have them on my arms and shoulders. I have a birthmark on my left cheek. I have scars everywhere because I'm not only clumsy I bruise and scar easily. I have a ton of scars on my legs from bug bites that didn't heal. I have a scar on my right hand from when I was baby-sitting a rowdy Rottweiler. It wasn't his fault. Who am I kidding that dog had it out for me. That's pretty much it. 

Okay So I did the first five. Hope you didn't fall asleep. Don't worry we'll get to the fun questions soon!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

You're my majestic octopus

Hey you!
You: Wow you actually managed to sit down and write? How long is this going to last three maybe four days?
Awwh is my inner self on her period?
You: If I'm your inner self why am I labeled "you"?
Cuz I feel less crazy if I'm pretending that I'm addressing an actual person instead of sitting on my bed lonely and typing to no one.
You: Good point run away from your problems and social anxiety.

Okay so none of you know this but I'm a WRITER, and no not the sit in my room and write poetry about death and carnage. I'm writing a novel and one day would love publish it. That is my dream. However there are some things they don't tell you when you start writing. Don't believe all of those blogs that make it seem easy, granted they may have a more stable life then me and when they sit down to write they don't have to fight their inner Adolf Hitler. You don't pick the story, it picks you, I know that sounds cheesy but it's true. One day about three or four years ago this idea of this awesome zombie slaying (this was before The Walking Dead) girl in pigtails with awesome fighting skills and two samurai swords. Then one day (about a year or two ago) mom told me I was to write the novel for school (I’m homeschooled so that was a part of the curriculum) now I threw a fit because I wasn't much into writing even on here a lot of my posts were short and didn't have much of a story. But my mom is a very strong woman and I knew there was no fighting her on this. 
Now I'm not going to get into detail of the books I used (yet, I'll make a different post about that later.)  Now if you're a writer yourself then you know the pain and agony of writing. There are MANY methods of writing, and to tell you the truth the only way you'll find yours is trial and error. It's like a comfy sweater; you'll go through many sweaters until you find the "one". I guess the same goes for men... *Hehe* #foreversingle
Right now I’m going back to structuring my outline and character profiles, I have written up to ten+ chapters, admittedly not where I want to be by now, that's why I'm going back to the outlines and profiles. Thanks to mom she's kept me in line and on track. I hate, HATE outlines, but as I got ten chapters in I realized that not having a solid outline (I did do one but as I grew my characters grew and the story grew so a lot of it was outdated.)
My story is not at all what I thought it would be (what I described up top) it's grown into this strange twisted world. And I love writing it, as stressful it can be. My main character in a way has gotten me through some harsh things in my life. She is amazingly flawed.

So what I want to do is post about the book on here, it's not always going to be pretty, I may get mad or vent. But ya know that's my life as a writer.  I'm also a part of a writing group, it's tends to be a drama club due to some members... But I may write about that too. Who knows?

It won’t all be book related don't worry.
Here to prove so here’s a random picture I found.

    God that's one majestic octopus.

And since I have you here I will be doing a series of answers to this character questionnaire I found. As a writer I use this to find out more about a closed off character, I will be using one on myself for anyone who is reading this can find out more about me each post. I will do that tomorrow! :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The talks I have with my inner unicorn

Hey you!
 I missed you a lot since I dropped off the face of the earth.
Where have I been?
No not with another man, baby I can explain.
That would be one heck of a long post. I mean my life has been a concoction of love, betrayal, struggle and finding your way.
       Oh my God is my life a Judy Blume novel? Gah that sucks. But I'm your ray of sunshine! With a silver lining of black, Okay enough of this long drawn out sentences.
My life has been a mess but a mess I'm grateful for. So I'm still living in Ga with my mom, sister and brother oh and my dog Bailey. My older sister who we moved down here with when she got her masters moved to upper state NY. Yeah. What do I say after that, hm, well we've always had money problems, moving down here wasn't our first choice, we moved here with the added intention of helping her out during a stressful time for her, and us getting back on our feet. Well flash forward two almost three years later and she's on her feet and still struggling. Ugh I told myself I wasn't gonna get so dark this early in the day.
        Let's talk about something fun like my obsessions. That’s going to take a post all in it’s self. But this post is helping me out so here I go.  

Oh my gosh the cat's playing with a q-tip!

Ok, ok, what kind of obsessions? I have a lot of those. That's when you come in to help. Oh wow you look great today. New hair cut?
You: You do know I'm a figment of your imagination right?

Me: Maybe, but you still look great. Where should I start?

You: I don't know, how about your favorite movies that not porn.

Me: I don't watch porn.

You: Sure, come on three favorite movies.

Me: Wait new or old?

You: New, save your old ones for someone who cares.

Me: Okay, okay *whispers* rude.

You: I heard that.

Me: Of course you did.

1. Guardians of the Galaxy.
2. Snow piercer
3. Stuck in love How to train your dragon 2
You: Ha, stuck in love really? It’s not even that new.

Me: What? It's a good representation of people, And it has Logan Lerman in it. :3

You: Haha, do you line dry your panties too?

Me: You know what fine! I'm changing it!

You: Did that make you feel better?

Me: Shut it, what’s next?

T.V Shows.
1. Peaky Blinders
2. Adventure Time!
3. Arrow and The Flash.
4. Penny Dreadful  
You: Wow, I don’t know what to say.
Bite me.
You: I got a serious question for you.

Me: Shoot.

You: What are you plans for this page?

Me: I-uh- wanna write. I want to become someone.

You: Anyone can write, you and I both know you keep dropping this blog to the last on your to-do list.

Me: Yeah, but I think I’m going to keep doing it this time. I just thought that the things I’ve had to say were stupid and too short.

You: Some people like short and stupid.

Me: You’re right.

You: Ready for the lighting round?

Me: What?

You: GO!

Favorite musicians/Bands?
1. Jake Bugg
2. Good Charlotte
3. Eminem
4. Deer Tick
5. Bayside
6. Blink 182
7. My Chemical Romance

Favorite Video games?
1. Last of us
2. Assassins creed
3. Fallout 3
Favorite YouTubers?
1. Charlieissocoollike
2. Grace Helbig
3. Amazing Phil.
Bam! I did it!

You: Can we end this blog now?

Me:Yeah Ill start working on the post for tomorrow!