Sunday, January 18, 2015

You're my majestic octopus

Hey you!
You: Wow you actually managed to sit down and write? How long is this going to last three maybe four days?
Awwh is my inner self on her period?
You: If I'm your inner self why am I labeled "you"?
Cuz I feel less crazy if I'm pretending that I'm addressing an actual person instead of sitting on my bed lonely and typing to no one.
You: Good point run away from your problems and social anxiety.

Okay so none of you know this but I'm a WRITER, and no not the sit in my room and write poetry about death and carnage. I'm writing a novel and one day would love publish it. That is my dream. However there are some things they don't tell you when you start writing. Don't believe all of those blogs that make it seem easy, granted they may have a more stable life then me and when they sit down to write they don't have to fight their inner Adolf Hitler. You don't pick the story, it picks you, I know that sounds cheesy but it's true. One day about three or four years ago this idea of this awesome zombie slaying (this was before The Walking Dead) girl in pigtails with awesome fighting skills and two samurai swords. Then one day (about a year or two ago) mom told me I was to write the novel for school (I’m homeschooled so that was a part of the curriculum) now I threw a fit because I wasn't much into writing even on here a lot of my posts were short and didn't have much of a story. But my mom is a very strong woman and I knew there was no fighting her on this. 
Now I'm not going to get into detail of the books I used (yet, I'll make a different post about that later.)  Now if you're a writer yourself then you know the pain and agony of writing. There are MANY methods of writing, and to tell you the truth the only way you'll find yours is trial and error. It's like a comfy sweater; you'll go through many sweaters until you find the "one". I guess the same goes for men... *Hehe* #foreversingle
Right now I’m going back to structuring my outline and character profiles, I have written up to ten+ chapters, admittedly not where I want to be by now, that's why I'm going back to the outlines and profiles. Thanks to mom she's kept me in line and on track. I hate, HATE outlines, but as I got ten chapters in I realized that not having a solid outline (I did do one but as I grew my characters grew and the story grew so a lot of it was outdated.)
My story is not at all what I thought it would be (what I described up top) it's grown into this strange twisted world. And I love writing it, as stressful it can be. My main character in a way has gotten me through some harsh things in my life. She is amazingly flawed.

So what I want to do is post about the book on here, it's not always going to be pretty, I may get mad or vent. But ya know that's my life as a writer.  I'm also a part of a writing group, it's tends to be a drama club due to some members... But I may write about that too. Who knows?

It won’t all be book related don't worry.
Here to prove so here’s a random picture I found.

    God that's one majestic octopus.

And since I have you here I will be doing a series of answers to this character questionnaire I found. As a writer I use this to find out more about a closed off character, I will be using one on myself for anyone who is reading this can find out more about me each post. I will do that tomorrow! :)

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