Monday, January 19, 2015

That time the internet gnome asked me questions. Part 1

I woke up today and was like "yay I get to talk about myself!" *sarcasm.*
But you know what I'm doing it. 
Also I spent the majority of last night working on all of my social media links so go check em out.
Oh! I also made a facebook page!

My life Motto! 
So here is the intro to the series of questions I will be doing, here are the first five! Ugh, what did I get myself into?

1.You might start with questions that address the basics about a character:
       In the wee hours of December 29, 1995 I was born in a small town in Pennsylvania I grew up on a busy street of Main st. in Northampton. We lived in a small duplex house, it was small because my family had six people. My mom, Dad, sister Madison, Brother Jon, me and my little sister Jordan (she's only a year younger than me). Now when I was elven my dad left and my mom moved us to Bethlehem another town in Pa. I hated Pa since I was little, like I remember going to my dad when I was pretty young and telling him I didn't want to live there I wanted to be by the beach.He never followed through with that. *shock*  Now the situations in Pa were bad and we had made this rash decision to move to Ga while my older sister (Madison) was finishing her masters. I can talk about these situations later I'm not trying to make a memoir. I currently live in Savannah Ga, home of peaches and hipsters. But I do live by the beach. Thanks mom. <3 br="">

2.  What is your characters name? Does the character have a nickname?
      Jacqueline Marie (not giving out my last name weirdos)  I was named after my Aunt Jacqueline. And My Grandmother's middle name is Marie. My nickname is Jackie. But my brother and mom call me Jaxx. Jordan calls me Jackie Bear.

3. What is your characters hair color? Eye color?
     My eyes are dark chestnut brown. My hair is a deep dark brown with red in my bangs and the framing of my face. Lemme get a picture.

      There. Now look at that sexy beast. It gives you an idea so I'm cool with that.
 I also can't smile, if I do it just looks weird. So soak in the pout.
Fun fact. I wasn't allowed to dye my hair until I was 18 and when I did I dyed it myself. 

4. What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
      How do I describe myself without sounding conceited? Okay, I'll just do it. The picture also kind of gives you an idea of my face. Round, heart shaped face, button nose. I have alien shaped eyes, some call them hooded eyes... 

5.Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he/she get them?
      I am very freckle-y. I have them on my arms and shoulders. I have a birthmark on my left cheek. I have scars everywhere because I'm not only clumsy I bruise and scar easily. I have a ton of scars on my legs from bug bites that didn't heal. I have a scar on my right hand from when I was baby-sitting a rowdy Rottweiler. It wasn't his fault. Who am I kidding that dog had it out for me. That's pretty much it. 

Okay So I did the first five. Hope you didn't fall asleep. Don't worry we'll get to the fun questions soon!

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