Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Imma open book baby!

  Gah so I'm doing this now because Jordy has something at 4:00 and then we have writing group at 7:00 and that runs until 11:00 so I'll be gone today. So here are the next five questions!

6. Who are your characters friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?

In the beginning I told you about my family. I live with my mom, sister and brother. I'm very close with my mom and Jordy. We got really close after dad left and my older sister and brother left for college. Jordy is my best friend. And my mom I can tell anything and I know I will not be judged.
    I guess I wish I was closer with Jon, that was my gut answer. He's at that point in his life that he's going through a lot and doesn't talk to me much. But when we do and if it's a good talk it's a good time.  

7. Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
I was born in Pennsylvania. I live on Whitemarh Island in Georgia. It's ten minutes from Tybee beach and twenty minutes for downtown Savannah.
 I don't feel like I call any place "home". But I do want to move from Savannah and maybe to Beaufort, Sc.

8. Where does your character go when hes angry?
 My room normally when the family has a fight. When it's with someone else I tend to surround myself with mom and Jordan. I tend to get self destructive and they break me out of it.

9. What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Hmmm. I actually want to start a YouTube channel. I have extreme social anxiety and am afraid I wont be able to over come that. I told this to mom and Jordy. I don't know if I'll not tell anyone. 

10. Does she have a secret?
If you know me. You 'll know that I don't keep many secrets. I'll tell you last time I had my period. Yeah I'm an open book.  

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