Friday, July 31, 2015

I'm not a beauty blogger nor am I a hair blogger, these are just a pictures that make my inner unicorn happy.

So being apart of the teen rip tide I tend to have a long, love hate relationship with my hair. I'm also very artistic, and since I can't draw very well I use my hair as a canvas. I know, I know everyone with crazy hair says that. Unfortunately with money being non-existent, I have been filling my Pinterest board with pictures that inspire the crap out of me. I'm not a beauty blogger nor am I a hair blogger, these are just a pictures that make my inner unicorn happy.  I tried my hand at "styling" the pictures with different elements. 
**Disclaimer, I do NOT own any of these, I found them all on Pinterest. :)

Today's theme? Green/blue/mint/ whatever sneaks in there.

I love love love these. except I'd add glitter to the top of the black nails
jewels, pastel, goth, goth hipster, hair accessory, headband - Wheretoget.. Soo cute i have always wanted one of those things you put around your head they look cute to me..

Mermaid hairblack grunge nails tumblr photography
If I was gonna do something crazy with my hair, this has got the color right.Love the black to white fade, but the spikes are a little over the top

It's your choice, cat lovers! Yet again, I am contemplating on buying this!! @Michelle Ray

ombre in green. Can I do this with my red?
Cotton Blue Pastel Hair
Gorgeous grey hair.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Where she's flown.

This week I have been kinda been living my life through pictures, and since yesterday was filled with a long terrible commute downtown in the Georgia heat, taking a nap and chipping my tooth on popcorn. I didn't know what to write so I though I'd post some pictures, some are from deep in my phone, some were taken recently. So as I'm watch The Strain I'm putting this together, I would have had it up last night but Jordan reminded me I had to watermark my pictures.  Which took the whole day.

Here are my unicorn travels:
This is a trail close to meh house. I  Haven't been able to walk, like pull myself off of the couch long enough to put my shoes on and walk so when I did I had to take a picture to celebrate the occasion.

Here we have me rocking the  kung-fu master style. I'm a black belt, no big deal. I ran around the house singing "everybody was kung-fu fighting, HI-YA!"

This is a side road that comes after you cross the bridge going to Tybee Island.

Somehow I take my best pictures in cemeteries, this was after I volunteered at Bonaventure, I was so hot and gross that day but my mom managed to take some awesome pictures, she's a pro.

Another bridge shot, I think it's becoming my thing, I have a ton more on my phone.

And to wrap it up is my "self portrait". My hair was fading into pink and I though why not take a picture. Turns out this ended up being my favorite  picture of my self.

Okay, so this was different from my normal Emo-corn posts, but I liked it even thought it took me forever to get it together, well I will try to pull together another post, until then I hope you guys have a awesome minute, day and week.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Let's chat with the Emo-corn.

You: Long time no see.
Me: Well, I don't see you guys just type on a white page.
You: You know what I meant, where have you been?

See, I've been on this faded, stained micro-fiber couch trying to mentally plan out what the next move is. Something I keep private is our struggles, and the thing is when under stress I internalize, thinking I'm the only one going through it. That's why I go silent, I don't want to post my life problems and bring the whole world down with them.

      In this world we are always stuck at a crossroads, big or small we are left in the middle of a dusty plains. Some people are lucky and pick the right way, they carry on and tell their story about how they made in out. Then there is the group of people who end up picking the road that seems right, but when then start to walk it the dirt starts to darken and the scenery starts to shift, making their head spin, their chest tighten and the people around them fade. That's the turn we made, the one we felt was right. That doesn't mean is was a bad choice, it just has more consequences. 
     If spilling my life was easy I'd do it everyday... These few years have been rough, and at times I feel I should just stop blogging. I feel I can't keep myself consistent, afraid of saying something wrong. My life is messy, very, very messy. In the same breath I am so grateful for each breath I can take, and just like thousands of people I sometimes get lost in the dark thoughts. I wish they bottled Mr. Clean for that... Can you image if they did that?

     I am also very frustrated at my book, when I went back to outlining I came to sad realization my characters are set on growing up and changing the story, it's a never ending urge to punch them in the face, if they were real and actually had faces. It's hard enough making up my own mind, now I have to help a room full of toddlers that only live in my brain, it's not like I can walk away and lock myself in the bathroom and have a few minutes of peace in a bubble bath. Oh no, as I'm in the bath making a bubble beard there they are with their sharpies, scribbling on the wall, the sharpies being their opinion and the wall my brain. Writing, even outlining is seriously unrewarding at times. 

     And even though I sound sad keep in mind, this is real stuff my brain and emotions are going through, this as the cheapest therapy I can afford.

    I am so grateful to you, even though "you" is a character created by me to get myself talking. Haha...
Okay inner unicorn is done, I wish you a good night.

P.s. I'm calling my emo side Emo-corn (like emo unicorn.) 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Don't give up.

Unicorn girl talks to herself

Hey my Headcases!

      So since getting a new laptop I thought I'd blog more but even I shock myself at how I let things fall to the wayside. I've been also working on other things like my book. Also a lot of the time I just have sad depressing things to say, I mean I could say them but even you guys may need a Valium. We are in the transition of trying to get out the house we are living in, but with that we are unsure if we wanna move to South Carolina or if we want to stay in Georgia we also don't have the money to move or stay here so that's one of my main stresses. We also have the air out in the house which in the heat of Georgia is like baking inside your own house. Also people coming in my house gives me extreme anxiety. I'm pretty sure everything gives me anxiety, even bug bites stress me out.
The book and blog and everything else have been put on stand by due to how life being a vortex of crazy.
*Update, I had to stop writing because the A/C guy came. It's all good I locked myself in my room with the pup and waited, turned out it was just a burnt out wire.

      My sister and I started a band, every time I say that out loud I think of the scene from Scott Pilgrim Vs The world.
Ramona: You have a band?
Scott: Yes, we're terrible please come?
And being a super fan I didn't even have to look that up. Points for me. I also just looked back on an old post and realized that I used the same quote and also mentioned I was in a band, way to be original Jaxx, your unicorn brain is getting mushy...  I managed to pull enough money together to by my first guitar, I guess that's how it starts, broke with a guitar. I was actually making a different post for that. :)

     The book is still on a roll I just stuck in the "I didn't outline now it's biting me in the butt" part of writing. Currently I'm writing about my antagonist that makes me see him a different light, it left me confused like my story wasn't confusing enough. But that's the cool thing about writing anti-heroes and villains together, they are constantly bouncing off each other and have me asking who is the real bad guy here?
Okay, I think I've given you guys a lot of random to handle.

You: So you just going to leave again when things get tough?
Me: No, I uh- don't plan on it.
You: Sure, we'll see.
Me: Okay, I'll just end this here.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Let the haters hate.

Now I was going to blog about my new hair, I then started to research about how to make my blog better, how to improve it, not just for me but for you guys. I stumbled upon a post about getting more Blog traffic, and as I read it something bugged me, a lot.
She said that viewers can sniff out a faker, one just looking for money.
I don't know why this bugged me, maybe my self conscious tendencies kicked in and I started to second guess myself. "Am I poo?" And then I thought "Nah, I'm just learning and living life and writing about it which is hard." I started to think about it, I looked at her beautiful blog and spunky personalty. I know that anything I want to have, anything I want to accomplish is going to be hard because I'm as sub zero. I'm like that kid in dodge ball that got all the balls thrown at her whole body.
I want you guys to know that I am serious about this and am not out for the money, I mean some money would help but that not the point I'm here to create a community of people. I also want to be there for people going trough a hard time, I see so many people reaching out and not having that person to talk to, I want to be that person. I'm not good a writing mushy heart felt stuff, it wigs me out. But to end this blog I give you the gif that made me laugh the hardest today.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

"I____ joint this band."

I was planning on blogging then I went onto YouTube...
30 minutes later and I am ready.
I just got distracted again. okay I'm ready.
This week has been a whirlwind, the car made it's way back to us and is still having problems starting, the shop wanted another two-hundred dollars to find out what's wrong with her. And that money we don't have, we're still trying to get our ducks in a row for this month.
But I'm not freaking out, I want to, I would LOVE to kick and scream but I have stuff that has to get done and I if have a hissy fit then that stuff is going to be put on hold.
Story Of My Life, Bro. 

Oh my sister and I started a band we're terrible. Please come.
*Scott Pilgrim reference.
No but we did start one, it was one of those nights we were up to late, she told me earlier I could sing well, my ego was inflated and I was like how else am I going to meet my future drummer husband? I've always wanted to be in a band and so did she so we were like where do we sign up? Turns out we just ended up signing a piece of paper that says "I____ joint this band."
The funny thing is that we both suffer extreme social anxiety and the future of us playing live will need tons of Valium. She's learning piano and I'm on vocals, I would like to learn guitar but that costs money, I will get my hands on one it just takes time. But I love it, it feels good to be working with her, and when we're in practice together we can screw up we laugh at each other and that's important. She is definitely the Dave Grohl to my Kurt Cobain, she puts up with my crazy ideas and moodiness.
Okay I think this was a good blog? 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

My Blog's face has a Facebook page.

Hey HeadCases! I want to announce my FaceBook page.
I have been working on it, it's still harsh but I want to share it because I want it to grow and that's only possible with YOU CRAZIES! Now I am looking to have an actual post also, but our car amounted to much more crap then my brain can take, so bear with me.
Now go hit that link and like it!
And if you aren't following this blog then take your pills and hit the follow button.
Love ya!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Yes I pray, But sometimes I feel I'm getting the busy signal.

So I'm going to take a break from preaching about writing problems, and just write.

Not good at this.
Still not good.

     As I sit in my fancy white chair devoured by cat scratches, I reflect on how twisted life is. And how I'm not using this blog as an outlet to vent. Now it's not so easy when you have a life like mine and you raised not to complain. My life although has those beautiful irreplaceable moments, is something very personal and not pretty at all, but I want to start talking about it, in case you're life sucks too then we can laugh/cry about it together.

Do you? Well come on in!
*Wraps arms around you*


        So this week our car decided that it was going to die, we don't know what happened all we know is that it's going to cost possibly eleven-hundred dollars.

Cars are evil.

     All we know is that it could be the starter or this other part a fly- something. If it's the starter it's over five-hundred dollars, if it's both pieces it's going to cost the eleven-hundred. Now in these situations, I'm the positive one, and I still am but it's just another fly that landed on our mound of crap.

Yes I pray.

But sometimes I feel I'm getting the busy signal.

    I'm also that person who believes everything happens for a reason, and that God is teaching me a lesson, but boy he doesn't wear kit gloves.

     Money is always tight, we're always pinching pennies, our pennies pinch pennies. I think I've had chicken beast and potatoes every night this week, am I grateful I have food, absolutely. I can't help but think of the families out there not eating I've been there I know how it feels. I used to live in Pa and I had seen maybe one homeless person, I moved down here and have encountered so many people who have fallen onto hard times. I've started asking their names, so I can include them in my prayers.
      I never pray "Oh God please don't let me become like them!" I feel like that's not only ignorant but it's insulting to that person. I do pray that when God brings me up that he includes them too. I've been homeless, and there comes a time when you're so darn focused on making it that you can't not stay positive, He got you there and he will make sure he gets you out.

I'm not very preachy person, and find that my relationship with God is MINE. But I also feel there is someone who may read this and it may be that push to just not stop, don't stop fighting, I got your back, I'll help you when you fall.

I just gave you a VIP insight into my life. That was hard, but I have a lot to say. and a lot of gifs to share. I love you. I hope you're doing okay and if not I'm here. It will get better.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Some people need to be stabbed with a unicorn horn...

You: So...
I know, but I couldn't sleep knowing I wasn't going to put a post up, I just stared at the plain ceiling thinking about what to say but sometimes I don't have something to say, ya know?
You: Is that it? Oh great philosopher?
I was on the dreaded Facebook today, and I was scrolling through my repeated news feed because I check my Facebook page way to much, it's not even like I have friends who actively message me so I don't have to check it as much as I  do. I am a member in a Fallout 3 group. And this girl with her bare hands had made a Pip-boy, with cardboard and duct tape. If you don't know what I'm talking about here is a Pip-boy.
Honestly with what she was working with it looked good for cardboard and duct tape.
Here is where I had the problem, some poo-bag had the balls to tell her "No offense but it looks shitty ..." I'm that kind of person who is quite on social media, with my anxiety I stay away from confrontation. I also don't comment on things on public pages. I almost made an exception because,*Que rant. Eh-hem*
I can not stand people who do that. No it's not a magician's special blanket it doesn't make the insult disappear by trying to seem passive. Did you put time into that project? No? So shut it! At least trolls no matter how wrong they are have the guts to not hide behind a statement like "no offense."  I'm of course not standing up for trolls I think they need to stick their opinions where the sun don't shine, or find Jesus either one will do. I can';t even call you a troll because you act like you're trying to help. It's like the time a friend at the time called me fat then put "JK, JK." As if I'm going to laugh my butt of at her calling me fat out of the blue. And you wonder why people have self esteem issues.
If you don't like something, don't post it. Just don't. And something I've learned along the way is that if that person asks for your opinion, try to give them a constructive criticism...
I almost ripped him a new one and honestly I'm trying to get my courage to stay something. The girl deserves that. The guy should have just shut his pie hole in the first place. 
And this concludes Jaxx's 3:00 am rant about how people suck. I will talk to you guys later!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Imma open book baby!

  Gah so I'm doing this now because Jordy has something at 4:00 and then we have writing group at 7:00 and that runs until 11:00 so I'll be gone today. So here are the next five questions!

6. Who are your characters friends and family? Who does she surround herself with? Who are the people your character is closest to? Who does he wish he were closest to?

In the beginning I told you about my family. I live with my mom, sister and brother. I'm very close with my mom and Jordy. We got really close after dad left and my older sister and brother left for college. Jordy is my best friend. And my mom I can tell anything and I know I will not be judged.
    I guess I wish I was closer with Jon, that was my gut answer. He's at that point in his life that he's going through a lot and doesn't talk to me much. But when we do and if it's a good talk it's a good time.  

7. Where was your character born? Where has she lived since then? Where does she call home?
I was born in Pennsylvania. I live on Whitemarh Island in Georgia. It's ten minutes from Tybee beach and twenty minutes for downtown Savannah.
 I don't feel like I call any place "home". But I do want to move from Savannah and maybe to Beaufort, Sc.

8. Where does your character go when hes angry?
 My room normally when the family has a fight. When it's with someone else I tend to surround myself with mom and Jordan. I tend to get self destructive and they break me out of it.

9. What is her biggest fear? Who has she told this to? Who would she never tell this to? Why?
Hmmm. I actually want to start a YouTube channel. I have extreme social anxiety and am afraid I wont be able to over come that. I told this to mom and Jordy. I don't know if I'll not tell anyone. 

10. Does she have a secret?
If you know me. You 'll know that I don't keep many secrets. I'll tell you last time I had my period. Yeah I'm an open book.  

Monday, January 19, 2015

That time the internet gnome asked me questions. Part 1

I woke up today and was like "yay I get to talk about myself!" *sarcasm.*
But you know what I'm doing it. 
Also I spent the majority of last night working on all of my social media links so go check em out.
Oh! I also made a facebook page!

My life Motto! 
So here is the intro to the series of questions I will be doing, here are the first five! Ugh, what did I get myself into?

1.You might start with questions that address the basics about a character:
       In the wee hours of December 29, 1995 I was born in a small town in Pennsylvania I grew up on a busy street of Main st. in Northampton. We lived in a small duplex house, it was small because my family had six people. My mom, Dad, sister Madison, Brother Jon, me and my little sister Jordan (she's only a year younger than me). Now when I was elven my dad left and my mom moved us to Bethlehem another town in Pa. I hated Pa since I was little, like I remember going to my dad when I was pretty young and telling him I didn't want to live there I wanted to be by the beach.He never followed through with that. *shock*  Now the situations in Pa were bad and we had made this rash decision to move to Ga while my older sister (Madison) was finishing her masters. I can talk about these situations later I'm not trying to make a memoir. I currently live in Savannah Ga, home of peaches and hipsters. But I do live by the beach. Thanks mom. <3 br="">

2.  What is your characters name? Does the character have a nickname?
      Jacqueline Marie (not giving out my last name weirdos)  I was named after my Aunt Jacqueline. And My Grandmother's middle name is Marie. My nickname is Jackie. But my brother and mom call me Jaxx. Jordan calls me Jackie Bear.

3. What is your characters hair color? Eye color?
     My eyes are dark chestnut brown. My hair is a deep dark brown with red in my bangs and the framing of my face. Lemme get a picture.

      There. Now look at that sexy beast. It gives you an idea so I'm cool with that.
 I also can't smile, if I do it just looks weird. So soak in the pout.
Fun fact. I wasn't allowed to dye my hair until I was 18 and when I did I dyed it myself. 

4. What kind of distinguishing facial features does your character have?
      How do I describe myself without sounding conceited? Okay, I'll just do it. The picture also kind of gives you an idea of my face. Round, heart shaped face, button nose. I have alien shaped eyes, some call them hooded eyes... 

5.Does your character have a birthmark? Where is it? What about scars? How did he/she get them?
      I am very freckle-y. I have them on my arms and shoulders. I have a birthmark on my left cheek. I have scars everywhere because I'm not only clumsy I bruise and scar easily. I have a ton of scars on my legs from bug bites that didn't heal. I have a scar on my right hand from when I was baby-sitting a rowdy Rottweiler. It wasn't his fault. Who am I kidding that dog had it out for me. That's pretty much it. 

Okay So I did the first five. Hope you didn't fall asleep. Don't worry we'll get to the fun questions soon!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

You're my majestic octopus

Hey you!
You: Wow you actually managed to sit down and write? How long is this going to last three maybe four days?
Awwh is my inner self on her period?
You: If I'm your inner self why am I labeled "you"?
Cuz I feel less crazy if I'm pretending that I'm addressing an actual person instead of sitting on my bed lonely and typing to no one.
You: Good point run away from your problems and social anxiety.

Okay so none of you know this but I'm a WRITER, and no not the sit in my room and write poetry about death and carnage. I'm writing a novel and one day would love publish it. That is my dream. However there are some things they don't tell you when you start writing. Don't believe all of those blogs that make it seem easy, granted they may have a more stable life then me and when they sit down to write they don't have to fight their inner Adolf Hitler. You don't pick the story, it picks you, I know that sounds cheesy but it's true. One day about three or four years ago this idea of this awesome zombie slaying (this was before The Walking Dead) girl in pigtails with awesome fighting skills and two samurai swords. Then one day (about a year or two ago) mom told me I was to write the novel for school (I’m homeschooled so that was a part of the curriculum) now I threw a fit because I wasn't much into writing even on here a lot of my posts were short and didn't have much of a story. But my mom is a very strong woman and I knew there was no fighting her on this. 
Now I'm not going to get into detail of the books I used (yet, I'll make a different post about that later.)  Now if you're a writer yourself then you know the pain and agony of writing. There are MANY methods of writing, and to tell you the truth the only way you'll find yours is trial and error. It's like a comfy sweater; you'll go through many sweaters until you find the "one". I guess the same goes for men... *Hehe* #foreversingle
Right now I’m going back to structuring my outline and character profiles, I have written up to ten+ chapters, admittedly not where I want to be by now, that's why I'm going back to the outlines and profiles. Thanks to mom she's kept me in line and on track. I hate, HATE outlines, but as I got ten chapters in I realized that not having a solid outline (I did do one but as I grew my characters grew and the story grew so a lot of it was outdated.)
My story is not at all what I thought it would be (what I described up top) it's grown into this strange twisted world. And I love writing it, as stressful it can be. My main character in a way has gotten me through some harsh things in my life. She is amazingly flawed.

So what I want to do is post about the book on here, it's not always going to be pretty, I may get mad or vent. But ya know that's my life as a writer.  I'm also a part of a writing group, it's tends to be a drama club due to some members... But I may write about that too. Who knows?

It won’t all be book related don't worry.
Here to prove so here’s a random picture I found.

    God that's one majestic octopus.

And since I have you here I will be doing a series of answers to this character questionnaire I found. As a writer I use this to find out more about a closed off character, I will be using one on myself for anyone who is reading this can find out more about me each post. I will do that tomorrow! :)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The talks I have with my inner unicorn

Hey you!
 I missed you a lot since I dropped off the face of the earth.
Where have I been?
No not with another man, baby I can explain.
That would be one heck of a long post. I mean my life has been a concoction of love, betrayal, struggle and finding your way.
       Oh my God is my life a Judy Blume novel? Gah that sucks. But I'm your ray of sunshine! With a silver lining of black, Okay enough of this long drawn out sentences.
My life has been a mess but a mess I'm grateful for. So I'm still living in Ga with my mom, sister and brother oh and my dog Bailey. My older sister who we moved down here with when she got her masters moved to upper state NY. Yeah. What do I say after that, hm, well we've always had money problems, moving down here wasn't our first choice, we moved here with the added intention of helping her out during a stressful time for her, and us getting back on our feet. Well flash forward two almost three years later and she's on her feet and still struggling. Ugh I told myself I wasn't gonna get so dark this early in the day.
        Let's talk about something fun like my obsessions. That’s going to take a post all in it’s self. But this post is helping me out so here I go.  

Oh my gosh the cat's playing with a q-tip!

Ok, ok, what kind of obsessions? I have a lot of those. That's when you come in to help. Oh wow you look great today. New hair cut?
You: You do know I'm a figment of your imagination right?

Me: Maybe, but you still look great. Where should I start?

You: I don't know, how about your favorite movies that not porn.

Me: I don't watch porn.

You: Sure, come on three favorite movies.

Me: Wait new or old?

You: New, save your old ones for someone who cares.

Me: Okay, okay *whispers* rude.

You: I heard that.

Me: Of course you did.

1. Guardians of the Galaxy.
2. Snow piercer
3. Stuck in love How to train your dragon 2
You: Ha, stuck in love really? It’s not even that new.

Me: What? It's a good representation of people, And it has Logan Lerman in it. :3

You: Haha, do you line dry your panties too?

Me: You know what fine! I'm changing it!

You: Did that make you feel better?

Me: Shut it, what’s next?

T.V Shows.
1. Peaky Blinders
2. Adventure Time!
3. Arrow and The Flash.
4. Penny Dreadful  
You: Wow, I don’t know what to say.
Bite me.
You: I got a serious question for you.

Me: Shoot.

You: What are you plans for this page?

Me: I-uh- wanna write. I want to become someone.

You: Anyone can write, you and I both know you keep dropping this blog to the last on your to-do list.

Me: Yeah, but I think I’m going to keep doing it this time. I just thought that the things I’ve had to say were stupid and too short.

You: Some people like short and stupid.

Me: You’re right.

You: Ready for the lighting round?

Me: What?

You: GO!

Favorite musicians/Bands?
1. Jake Bugg
2. Good Charlotte
3. Eminem
4. Deer Tick
5. Bayside
6. Blink 182
7. My Chemical Romance

Favorite Video games?
1. Last of us
2. Assassins creed
3. Fallout 3
Favorite YouTubers?
1. Charlieissocoollike
2. Grace Helbig
3. Amazing Phil.
Bam! I did it!

You: Can we end this blog now?

Me:Yeah Ill start working on the post for tomorrow!